- Reverend Edward Muiruri, aged 70, officially married his beloved Loise Wanjiru, aged 60, surrounded by a jubilant gathering of family and friends in a heartwarming celebration
- Rev. Muiruri shared that the day was beyond special for him as he had stayed celibate for seven years after his wife died
- The elated couple cautioned young people against hastily entering into relationships, warning of the potential consequences such as domestic violence or even loss of life stemming from unresolved marital conflicts
An African Inland Church (AIC) Reverend tied the knot with the love of his life in a colourful Valentine’s Day wedding held at AIC church, Kiambu.

Reverend Edward Muiruri, 70, exchanged his marriage vows with Loise Wanjiru, 60, in a ceremony attended by family and friends who turned up in large numbers.
Rev. Muiruri said that it was a special day since he had stayed for seven years without a companion after losing his late wife.
“I have had to endure alot while alone for seven years after I lost my spouse. It has not been an easy journey to stay without companionship at my age,” Muiruri said.
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Wanjiru said that she had also been single for a long time and God has answered her prayers of having a husband.
“I feel young once more and it is a joyous moment for me especially having had to wed on a Valentine’s Day,” she said.
The couple however advised young people to take their time and know their partners and not rush into making decisions that would lead to domestic violence or loss of lives due to marital differences.