Author: mohamudyusuf

The Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) are seeking fourteen days to hold Seventeen suspects who are being investigated over destruction of property in Naivasha. The prosecution told the trial Magistrate Gilbert Shikwe that the suspects were arrested on 1st March, 2024 and investigations have not been completed to establish the motive of destruction of a fence whose property does not belong to them. The court was told that there has been a public outcry leading members of the public to storm Naivasha police station where the suspects were held, in which the police believe that they wanted to lynch them.…

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.Tourism and Wildlife Cabinet Secretary Dr. Alfred Mutua is calling on devolved governments in the coastal counties of Mombasa, Kwale, Kilifi, and Lamu to enhance safety measures along the white sandy beaches .He says the improvements of the beachfront will make streets along the shoreline safer and brighter in the evenings while beach access roads will provide more convenient access to the famous tourist destinations .Speaking in Kwale town during celebrations to mark this year’s World Wildlife Day, Dr. Mutua said street lighting can help tighten safety and security, improve living standards, and boost tourism investments Tourism and Wildlife Cabinet Secretary…

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.Two people have been confirmed dead following a mid-air collision between two planes .The aircraft crashed inside the Nairobi National Park killing the two on the spot .No casualties were reported from the Safarilink airline Two people have been confirmed dead following a mid-air collision between two Air planes in Nairobi. The deceased are reported to be a trainee pilot and instructor who were onboard of a Cessna aircraft belonging to Ninety-Nines Flying School. The aircraft crashed inside the Nairobi National Park killing the two on the spot. The second aircraft, a Dash 8, belongs to Safarilink Aviation Limited which…

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.Five people were killed on Monday when a small private plane crashed near a highway in Nashville in the US .The Metropolitan Nashville Police Department said in a post on social platform X .It was cleared for an emergency landing at Nashville’s John C. Tune Airport, but came down just a few kilometres from the airport Five people were killed on Monday when a small private plane crashed near a highway in Nashville in the US state of Tennessee, local police said. The Metropolitan Nashville Police Department said in a post on social media platform X that “5 persons on…

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.Ministry of Interior has  increase Charges to Kenyans who will be seeking  Huduma Center services at the Department of Immigration and Citizen Servyices .The ministry said if one loses their Identification card (ID), they will have to pay  KSh.1,000, up from KSh100 .They also stated that charges for new passports have been raised by 75 per cent for an ordinary passport with 34 pages which was previously KSh.4,500, a new applicant will have to pay KSh.7,500 Ministry of Interior has increase Charges to Kenyans who will be seeking Huduma Center services at the Department of Immigration and Citizen Services. The…

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Ciru Muriuki has penned a heartwarming post to her fiancé, Charles Ouda, who died on February 3. March 3 marked exactly a month after Ouda passed away and the former BBC journalist paid a glowing tribute to him. Ciru admitted that life was never the same after the award-winning actor’s departure. On her Instagram page Ciru Wrote: “One month. One month without you. One month of pain I didn’t think was possible. You were my favorite hello, and my hardest goodbye. But there can never be goodbyes between us. Just the longing to see you again. My life will forever…

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.The Nairobi doctors reiterated their push to Health Cabinet Secretary Susan Nakhumicha to employ the interns, saying the delay in posting them has affected services in public hospitals nationwide .The Kenya Medical Practitioners and Dentists Union (KMPDU)where among the doctors who staged a peaceful demonstration in Nairobi CBD .They have issued a seven day strike notice beginning next week on monday, March 11th Health Workers in Nairobi have today hold a protest in the streets of Nairobi threathening to strike from next week. They have issued a seven day strike notice beginning next week on monday, March 11th. The Kenya…

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.Investigators revealed that the pair spent a few minutes partaking drinks that they had taken with them from the entertainment spot .According to detectives from Directorate of Criminal Investigations(DCI), the deceased met a man identified as Lawrence Gitonga at an entertainment joint along Mirema drive on Friday night .CCTV footage obtained from the scene of crime shows Nzomo making her way to the apartment at 3:30am on Saturday morning CCTV Details on final minutes of the 19-year-old Joan Nzomo whose lifeless body was found in Kasarani after falling from the 10th floor of an apartment in Thome area located in Kasarani…

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.Clashes emerged as groups attacked each other, a conflict rooted in the devolution onset. The situation intensified when stalls in the market were demolished by unidentified individuals, leading to accusations against the political leadership of both counties for their negligence .The boundary row that has disrupted peace and commerce in Keroka market traces back to the onset of devolution, a process meant to decentralize power and bring governance closer to the citizens .As this situation unfolds, the communities of Kisii and Nyamira counties await decisive action that will restore peace and allow commerce to thrive once again Business at Keroka…

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.The construction of the Dongo Kundu road, which commenced in March 2020, is a joint venture funded by the Government of Kenya and Japan, with a budget of KSh22 billion .However, a challenge has emerged as the government currently owes the contractor a sum of KSh1.4 billion .Upon completion, Mutea assured that the project would be accessible to the public without any associated charges The construction of the Dongo Kundu road, which commenced in March 2020, is a joint venture funded by the Government of Kenya and Japan, with a budget of KSh22 billion allocated for the project. Notably, the…

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